This blog features Issue 18 of The Citizen Magazine, published in December 2023 which covers Antigua real estate. From exploring the booming real estate market on the islands, with its allure for potential homeowners and investors, to shedding light on the critical role sharks play in marine ecosystems, the issue offers rich insights into various aspects of island life.

Location, location, location

Acquiring a property can be a momentous decision in your life. Whether it is your primary home, a second residence, or an investment property, making the right choice is crucial.

Buying in Antigua & Barbuda seems like a no-brainer. This stunning corner of the world offers the perfect setting for your real estate dreams to become a reality. Picture yourself owning a property overlooking a dazzling palm-fringed beach lapped by shimmering turquoise seas. It’s the kind of paradise everyone dreams of.

But Antigua’s allure extends far beyond its picturesque beauty – although its 365-picture-perfect beaches, translucent waters, and lush landscape are hard to resist. This captivating island boasts world-class yachting and sailing, high-end restaurants, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Nelson’s Harbour, and countless other attractions. Luxury real estate developments continue to spring up across the island, offering something for every taste.

Not to be outdone, Antigua’s sister island, Barbuda, is also receiving its fair share of developments. This island is a dream come true for beach lovers and was Princess Diana’s favorite escape. Imagine setting foot on one of its incredible, famous pink-sand beaches where your footprints often remain the only ones. Barbuda is also home to extraordinary natural wonders, including the largest Frigate bird sanctuary in the Western Hemisphere. It offers a different but equally attractive way of life to its larger sister.

If you have a family and are considering purchasing a property, rest assured that Antigua & Barbuda has you covered. The country has a range of public and private schools, including one that offers the International Baccalaureate, along with a wide range of tertiary education options, including the fourth-landed campus of the University of the West Indies. The country has a good health system, a robust banking and financial sector, reliable telecommunications, a stable government, and a thriving economy. What more could you ask for?

Furthermore, with convenient daily direct flights to North America and Europe, the islands offer easy access. Just four hours from New York and eight from London, you can easily meet your business appointments whilst indulging in your island lifestyle.

But here’s the real kicker: with purchasing real estate being one of the options in the Citizenship by Investment Programme, not only can you purchase your own piece of paradise by buying one of the high-end luxury villas or apartments on one of the fabulous developments across the islands, but more importantly, you have the opportunity to become a citizen of this remarkable nation with all the freedom-to-travel and other benefits this entails. And with the necessary investment starting at just US$200,000 for a share of a property, you could also be on your way to generating a rental income in no time.

Antigua & Barbuda’s CBI programme is in the top five of the 2023 Q1 Henley Passport Index. Citizenship to the islands allows visa-free travel to over 160 jurisdictions, including Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, and the Schengen area.

Sharks: From villains to vital guardians

Antigua real estate

Sharks have long been misunderstood and feared, often portrayed as the villains of the ocean. However, their role in the marine ecosystem is far more complex and crucial than many realize. These apex predators are vital guardians of the seas, maintaining the balance of marine life and contributing to the health of ocean ecosystems.

Contrary to their fearsome reputation, sharks are not mindless killers. They play a key role in controlling the population of other marine species, preventing the overpopulation of certain species that could otherwise disrupt the ecological balance. By preying on the sick and weak, sharks help to ensure the genetic health of their prey populations.

Sharks also contribute to the health of seagrass beds and coral reefs. By controlling the population of herbivorous fish, sharks prevent overgrazing of seagrass, which is essential for carbon sequestration and as a habitat for other marine life. Similarly, by managing the population of fish that feed on coral, sharks help to maintain the health and diversity of coral reefs.

Unfortunately, sharks are facing numerous threats, primarily from human activities. Overfishing, habitat destruction, and the demand for shark fins have led to a significant decline in shark populations worldwide. This decline not only threatens the survival of shark species but also has cascading effects on marine ecosystems.

Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these vital guardians of the ocean. Initiatives such as marine protected areas, sustainable fishing practices, and public education about the importance of sharks are essential steps in ensuring their survival. By changing the narrative around sharks from villains to vital guardians, we can foster a greater appreciation for their role in the ocean and support efforts to protect them.

As we continue to learn more about these fascinating creatures, it becomes clear that sharks are indispensable to the health of our oceans. Protecting them is not just about preserving a species but about maintaining the intricate balance of marine ecosystems on which we all depend.

Reno Wilson: Showcasing versatility, celebrating Antiguan roots

Antigua real estate

Describing Reno Wilson, the word ‘versatile’ immediately springs to mind. Born and bred in Brooklyn, New York, to an Antiguan opera singer mother and a blues pianist father, it was almost inevitable that Reno would become a performer. His first taste of fame came with a role in The Cosby Show, showcasing his comedic timing and leading to appearances in numerous other shows. 

His more renowned role is arguably as Carl in Mike and Molly with his good friend Billy Gardell and Melissa McCarthy. He has also appeared in Good Girls, the series Fatal Attraction, and in the feature film Bolden as the legendary Louis Armstrong. 

He shines in both comedic and dramatic roles, is a multi-talented musician and singer, and an accomplished voice-over artist, recognized for creating distinctive voices in several Transformers movies and computer games.

With over 90 on-screen projects under his belt, Reno has more than demonstrated his versatility in the entertainment industry. The Citizen caught up with him to find out more about the myriad layers of his career and passions.

Celebrating CIU 10th Anniversary

Antigua and Barbuda’s Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) has reached a significant milestone – its 10th anniversary. Over the past decade, the CIU has played a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s economic landscape, attracting investors from around the globe and fostering sustainable development.

A Decade of Success

Since its inception in 2013, the CIU has approved thousands of applications, contributing to the country’s economic growth and stability. The program has attracted high-net-worth individuals seeking the benefits of dual citizenship, including visa-free travel to over 150 countries, a favorable tax regime, and the opportunity to invest in a burgeoning real estate market.

Economic Impact

The funds generated through the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) have been instrumental in financing numerous infrastructural projects, including the development of healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and tourism infrastructure. These investments have not only enhanced the quality of life for residents but also positioned Antigua and Barbuda as a premier destination for tourists and investors alike.

Innovative Investment Options

The CIU has continually evolved, offering innovative investment options to meet the changing needs of global investors. Applicants can choose from several investment avenues, including real estate, the National Development Fund (NDF), and business investments. This flexibility has made the CIP attractive to a diverse range of investors.

Commitment to Due Diligence

Maintaining the integrity of the CIP has been a top priority for the CIU. The unit has implemented stringent due diligence processes to ensure that only reputable individuals are granted citizenship. This commitment to transparency and accountability has bolstered the program’s reputation on the international stage.

Looking Ahead

As the CIU celebrates its 10th anniversary, it remains committed to driving economic growth and development in Antigua and Barbuda. The unit continues to explore new opportunities to enhance the CIP and attract even more investors to the twin islands.


Many individuals who have obtained citizenship through the CIP have shared positive experiences, highlighting the benefits of investing in Antigua and Barbuda. From the stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture to the welcoming community and robust investment opportunities, the twin islands offer an unparalleled lifestyle for global citizens.

The CIU’s 10th anniversary marks a decade of remarkable achievements and sets the stage for continued success. By attracting global investors and fostering sustainable development, the CIU is helping to shape a prosperous future for Antigua and Barbuda.

Continue reading issue 19 to learn more about the booming real estate opportunities in Antigua & Barbuda. For more information, visit Issue 18 The Citizen to read about investment opportunities in Antigua & Barbuda.